Dumbbell Bench Press

Here's how to perform the dumbbell bench press.

Here's How to Perform the Dumbbell Bench Press:

  • Grab your weights and sit at the end of the bench.
  • Lay back and press your feet into the ground, squeezing your glutes.
  • Try to keep this tension throughout the exercise.
  • Bring the dumbbells up into position.
  • Place your hands over your shoulders and turn your palms towards each other slightly.
  • As you lower the weights, breathe in and allow your shoulder blades to move towards your spine (retract).
  • Tuck your elbows closer to your sides, like an arrow. You may bring your arms completely to your sides if you wish to emphasize your triceps.
  • Keep as much space as you can between your ears and your shoulders.
  • Your dumbbells should come down to a level just outside your chest.
  • As you push your weights up, breathe out, and allow your shoulder blades to move away from your spine (protract).

Note: you may turn your hands towards each other if a neutral grip feels more shoulder-friendly.

How to make Dumbbell Bench Presses Easier (Regression)

  • Use a lighter set of dumbbells to perform the dumbbell bench press.

How to make Dumbbell Bench Presses Harder (Progression)

  • Use heavier dumbbells.
  • Perform an offset dumbbell bench press by using two different weights in each hand, one light and one heavy. Start with the heavier dumbbell on your weaker side.
  • Add pauses or slow negatives to portions of each bench press rep.
  • Perform alternating reps with the non-working arm in different resting positions. Ex. holding the opposite weight with your arm locked out or at your side.